I figure the best way to start out a new blog is to make an introduction post, a brief one, hopefully.
I love to read, but I don't feel that I read nearly as much as I should. I love to give my opinions on books, but they usually get pretty scattered, and I do it best in conversation, which why I enjoy my book club meetings so much. So this is sort of my attempt at working on the way I review books.
I don't read really fast or anything, or really slow, I'd say it's at a moderate level. I'm also oddly picky on how I start off a book. I can't just jump into a book at any moment at any time, and I haven't even fully figured out which time I can jump into a book (I guess I have to be comfortable?). It's weird and kinda silly.
So what am I currently reading? I'm currently on The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss. I'm only about 30 pages in, but I'm enjoying it so far. It's one of those books that starts out with a world that the narrator understands but you don't, and I've read many books that can pull this off and many that can't, this one is thankfully one of those that can. So far it's pulling at my curiosity rather than annoying me, because as I've said, I've read other books that attempt the same thing, but they throw so much at you in one go that they end up annoying you with their new and complicated world. Definitely looking forward to reading this one.
And that's it for now because I'm hungry.